I know that having kids are a lifetime commitment. You cannot give up half way through the process. It's like once you're in it, you're in it for life women!.
Kids are a gift from God. A little human that is very fragile to almost everything. As parents, we're responsible in keeping them safe make sure that we have provide everything possible for them. The best I can say.
I do not have kid of my own but I had the experience of taking care of my sister. Our age gap was 10 at that time so I had the first hand on how it was like.
As parents, we're afraid of many things. Things that might harm the children or perhaps the uncertainty of what lies in the decision we make for or on behalf of them. I get it cause I saw it in my parents. Fearing of what the society can change their kid into especially social illness.
Well, growing up process takes a lot of experience and patience. Along the process we make mistakes and through these mistakes, we learnt our lesson. It takes a whole lot of patience on the parents side and it can be frustrating at times. It's like you have failed in playing your role as parents in shaping your children to b a better person. As parents, there are a certain limit or level that we can control, the rest of the element comes from the outside. Friends and environment. Small children also observe and then pick up habits that they see from adults. So it is important in making sure that you show good example and walk the talk.
Kids nowadays are good in reasoning and negotiating, which I think a good thing cause this is part of the creative and critical thinking process BUT up to a certain level.
Setting a good example to your children at a young age is really important. From saying 'thank you' to teaching basic survival skills. Everything has basic rules. That rule has to be a strong foundation, then only your children will not stray from the right path. Even that doesn't guarantee.
At times, you need to give your children the power in making their own decision but within your guidance. Assist them if you think their decision might have negative impact on them. Don't let your fears rub off to your kids. You need to find common ground with your children or compromise with them. Modern parenting is not about listening to one party like how it used to be in the old days. Modern parenting is about reasoning, explaining, finding common thing, compromising, walking the talk, making decision TOGETHER.
If you think parenting is all about giving a beating of their life, shouting at them, scolding them or ignoring them, then you're wrong. This may cause you to grow apart and in the long run, your children may not respect or see you as their role model.
You can browse FRISO Gold on how to turn a No to Yes, how to find common ground with your children, how to not let your fears affect your children and what compromise is all about, you can view their YouTube story here.