So, the time of the year is around the corner. Hotels, restaurants and cafes will be swarm with families celebrating their mothers. However for me, I'll be curling up in Cameron Highlands with Juan and his friends, sipping a cup of tea and drunk with laughter because the people who will be joining us are bunch of clowns. That's what I need before starting the next dreaded Monday.
So let's start.
My mum. Well....
An individual who's loud but soft at heart. Not until she opens her mouth, nagging. For God sake, you'll be running miles away.
Me and my mum did not started well when I was a teenage. Going through a rebellious phase taught my mum the meaning of patience. My mum's main weapon was the 'cili padi' or ang moh called it the 'bird's eye chilli' and the belt. Both were used in the process of discipline.
There was this one time, can't remember what it was. I have chillis shoved into my mouth. My mum shuts the door and it felt like forever. I was not given any water to drink instead I make use of the carpet in the room. I lick it like I have licked the best lollipop in the world, then I was smart enough to rub my eyes with my finger. So pandai kan.
My mum may have the hardest head ever but she's forgiving. But as I grow up, I gave in quite a lot. Not wanting to pick a fight with a 60 years old lady. Her nagging can drive everyone crazy...and... she can even remembers a 30 years old stories.
But again, I would like to thank her for all the things she has done for both me and my sister. Like......
'Girl, why is there a big snake in the room?' *our panties are referred as big snake* or my mum will be shouting my name when it's time to come home from playtime during Maghrib and whatever that mums do.