I've been busy lately with work and personal stuff. Seriously, the time flew so fast that by the time I knew it, it' already Friday.
Juan has been having severe back ache lately so I had to take over most of the task at home. The cooking, cleaning and washing. I had him bed rest and advised him not to walk so much. My sister in law suspected that we needed a change of mattress asap and I thought so. I've been having backache myself from time to time. I thought it was because of the office chair which is not so ergonomic but I believe it's the mattress too.
My mum is coming back tomorrow so my dad will be here to pick her up. I was so happy when she told me that By Alexa Blue Alexas series and Areeyana series were sold out a few days after arriving in Singapore to celebrate SG50 and couldn't thank Singaporean more for the support.
(Wearing By Alexa Blue Flow series in Nude 1)