Things got pretty heat up for the past few weeks that I thought I could not care less anymore. Now that I'm pursuing things I love (although I still have to juggle my day job ), I'd thought I put my 101% effort into it.
You know, I've always been someone who is so hype up or enthusiastic in wanting to make the world a better place and so I started it at work. Well, what I got, not all can agree to that. I have always dream of getting myself ready in a suit pants in the morning with a cup of coffee in my right hand while luggage on the other. Working and taking charge in the corporate world, make tonnes of money and send my kids to oversea in pursuing their American dream. C'mon, in real life?
And then I got married. Immediately, my priority changed. A 360 shift I must say. I started to see the corporate world as a cruel world and only the fittest survive. I knew I couldn't so I created Plan B (By Alexa Blue). I shifted my effort and concentration on matters that I know I have my strength on. I needed motivation and start to do things I love not just for the sake of money but also because I'm passionate in it. So I know business is my interest.
By Alexa Blue is not just about making profit but also giving back to society as much as possible and making differences in other people's life. Because when you share the things you have with others, the happiness you see in them is also your 'profit' for the after life. I want By Alexa Blue to be a platform in doing many more great things. Mainly, humanity.
Life is too short to dwell on what has happened in the past, to think what people may think about you, or to be sad for something that is not worth your time. So what did I do? I make use of what I have now and what has been thrown upon me.
I called my dad and we talked for a few minutes just to get my chest clear. He replied 'I think you're going through #midlifecrisis'. I paused and I think he has a point. I've always dream of having this perfect world where everything is so pretty and nice. In that world, no one is a bad guy. When I was younger, I've always imagine my work life as fun, energetic, fulfilling, motivated. Just like the mat salleh culture ' Way the go, mate!'. Like what you heard about Google working environment *if I have a comp like that, sleeping pod will be my first purchase #justsaying* It was not like that. It was more like an Asian parenting style.
Wearing Crystal series instant shawl from By Alexa Blue
So now, I try to see negativity beyond those walls. Taking criticism and change it into something positive. I can't be living in pressure for wanting to make other people feel good or pleasing people. So, why bother?