Incredible India

9:55:00 AM

Since this is my first post on our journey to India, let me start with how did this trip came up.

It all started with a 'ping' notification on my Facebook. I checked. It was from Dianah, my sister. It was a reply to my question, whether she'll be coming back to Malaysia for her upcoming semester break. Not sure, was her reply. She then changed the topic into persuading me to visit India. BACKPACKing. She said she can be my tour guide. In fact it was her 2nd trip to India. The first was when she visited my dad a couple of years ago, which I also tailed later on.

The first thing that went through my mind when she mentioned the word, BACKPACKing was....dirty laundry, sweat, stink, dusty. But hey, there's always a first time for everything. I dragged Juan along.

She said she plans to backpack again before flying back, this time with one of her AFS friend and thought we might be interested to join. I asked Juan, and the rest was history. By the time we knew, we were in front of the PC, applying for visa..

Penang-Kuala Lumpur-Kolkata-Jaipur-Agra-Shimla-Bangalore-Kuala Lumpur-Penang.
 That was our itinerary. Dianah was supposed to arranged for our hotel, train tickets and return ticket. While I was in charge of purchasing tickets for myself and Juan to Jaipur which will be our meet up point. The plan started in November. The preparation for the trip didn't take much effort as I was familiar with some things there except there were few unexpected things I stumbled throughout my stay.

And so the adventure starts......

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